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Eqanos and UTM


We're committed to understanding how users interact with our online content without compromising their privacy.One of the tools we use to achieve this is UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters. These simple tags appended to our URLs allow us to track where our links are clicked and gain valuable insights into where our links are most clicked and what for.It’s important to clarify that UTM parameters do not collect personally identifiable information or track individual user behavior beyond their interaction with our links. The data collected is aggregated and anonymized, focusing on overall trends and patterns rather than individual actions. We adhere to strict data protection policies and guidelines to ensure that user privacy is upheld at all times.UTM only collects the data provided in the url

How we use it

We normally use 4 UTM parameters:
utm_source : Application the link is posted in
utm_medium : Where in the app the link is posted
utm_campaign : To whom the link is intended to be sent to
utm_content : What the link links to



How we see it

Ok, so the user has clicked the link and we have the parameters.
utm_source : discord
utm_medium : server
utm_campaign : flaminxred
utm_content : computers
utm_source Tells us that the user found the link somewhere in Discord.
utm_medium Tells us that it was posted in a Discord server.
utm_campaign Shows us it came from the FlaminXred Discord server.
utm_content Clarifies that the link is about computers.
From those 4, we know the link came from the FlaminXred Discord Server and was about computers.Now we know everything about the link while collecting almost no data from the user

How to setup Modrinth

This only takes 5 steps

Eqanos Articles


Download the Modrinth app from the Modrinth website


Run the executable that you just downloaded


If asked, click yes on the UAC prompt